Monday, June 16, 2014

Cory Morris

(POV: first person by Cory Morris)

“Cory and Landon, wait up,” yelled Lanny trying to catch up.
“Maybe if you weren’t trying to mack on the girls you could keep up,” replied Landon.  I always felt like we ran the town when we were cruising in our three man biker pack.
“Guys, I hope my mom lets me stay in town tonight,” I said.
“She will man.  It’s the last day of school.  It’s like tradition for you to stay over every year on the last day.  Tradition, you can’t end tradition.”  Landon’s confidence was always optimistic.  I, on the other hand, was usually in between when it comes to plans that required my mom’s approval.  Since we don’t live so close to town it’s not always easy with her schedule to keep up with my activities.
“Let me come in and sweet talk Mrs. Morris.  Lanny, watch the bikes.  I’ll never miss an opportunity to see her,” said Landon with a wink and playful elbow to my side.
“You’re something else Harper (Landon’s last name), something else," I said rolling my eyes as we walked into Seaver's

“Hey Mrs. Morris.  You are looking lovely today.”
“What do you want Landon,” asked mom already knowing his sweet talk tactics.
“Nothing.  I just wanted to compliment you.  I think your son wants something though.” Landon trying to hide his intent.
“I hope the girls of this world are ready for you,” said mom shaking her head.
“Mom, so you know how every year on the last day of school I always stay at the Harpers, can I stay there tonight?”
“I figured that’s what you wanted.  Yes that is fine.  Can you please promise me no complaints for fireworks at four in the morning this time around?  Stay out of trouble.”
“You know we were sleeping by one,” I answered back with a smile.  “We’ll make sure and outdo ourselves this year.”  She knew I was joking but still always a little nervous when we were all together.
“Ugh, I can’t keep up with you three,” she said shaking her head and rolling her eyes.  “And Landon, tell you parents there is no need to give Cory a ride home.  Cory, I’ll pick you up after my shift ends at noon tomorrow.”
“Thanks Mrs. Morris!”
“Love you mom.”

The minute we walked out of Seavers with approval I knew summer was officially here.  It was time for the fun to begin.  With a few hours to kill, it was time to head to our spot.
“Hey Harp, you should see if your parents will order pizza tonight,” said Lanny.
“Already covered dude.”
“Landon, do you remember last day of school party a few years ago when you had Dillon over and he passed out early and we put salt on his lips?” Dillon was a kid that we used to hang out with before he moved away.
“That was random.  Cory, I don’t know how you remember everything.  It’s good that we have you as an extra memory though I guess,” said Landon.   I’m pretty random sometimes and I seem to remember details about everything.    I like trying to remember all of our fun times growing up. 
“It was so funny seeing his reaction when he woke up,” I said. 
“You shouldn’t be giving me ideas man.  I know I won’t be the first one passing out tonight,” added Lanny, probably already scheming his own prank for the night.
“If you mess with me, I swear…,” I warned as I reached into my bag to make sure I brought the tool.  “We are all good.  I was able to snag a chisel from home.”
“Alright fellas.  Let’s hurry up and get to Dream Rock,” said Landon.  Dream Rock is my favorite place in the whole world, even though I haven’t been many places. 

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