Monday, August 5, 2013

Addison Alden

(POV: first person by Addison Alden)

“Who’s the guy in your drawing Addison?” asked Mrs. Parker as she stood over my shoulder.  Her presence startled me and I inadvertently drew a line across my drawing. “Sorry.”
“It’s just some kid I saw down by the docks the other day,” I replied.  She caught me making a full page drawing in my notebook.  It was a snapshot I recalled from memory of a good friend standing on the dock and throwing rocks into the bay.
“You know if you used that same kind of passion I see in your drawing in your assigned artwork people could see how talented you are.”
“I know. I know.  I just don’t enjoy paper mache.”
“Every artist has their preferred medium but if you can find out how to put ‘you’ into other mediums you can develop and master those as well. “ I know she was trying to share some wisdom with me and it probably goes beyond art, but pencil and paper just comes so naturally to me.

“Have a great summer everyone! Make some fun stories,” shouted Mrs. Parker as the classroom of about 20 rushed for the doorway.   

School was done!  The 8th grade can now be marked complete!  Suddenly my focus on my drawing immediately changed to what the next 3 months were going to bring.  I just did a 180 from being locked in on a task to now being free and excited for the possibilities.  I rushed out of the classroom towards my locker on the first floor.  The excitement nearly made me go sliding down the stairs on my butt as I missed a step.
“There’s a step there Addy,” said Landon from behind as he caught me in mid-fall.  Instantly my face filled red with embarrassment.
“Thanks but I saw it,” I quickly responded back.  “Did you and Cory come up with any ideas for tonight?”
“We got a few ideas but we’re not sure if we want it to be just a guys night or not.”
“Quiet.  You know you want to hang out with us.” 
“Okay maybe you’re right.  Only because you’re so cool though,” he teased.  I can never tell if he is being an ass or truthful.
“Hey Harp,” yelled Sydney to Landon from down the hall.  “Cory said you guys want to play Ditch ‘em tonight.  You’re going down sucker!”  Sydney and Landon are always too competitive with each other for me.  I don’t like to lose either but I hate the fallout after every contest.  Whenever one of them loses it’s like all the fun is sucked out of the group because someone’s pride is damaged. 
“Can we just play a game for pure fun for once and not put so much weight on the outcome?” Listen to me, I sound like my mother.
“Addy, don’t worry.  We’ll behave.” Sydney answered as she winked to Landon expecting me not to see it.
“Alright girls we’ll see you at the docks at about 8 tonight.  Let’s go Cory.  Hurry up Lanny,” said Landon.  Lanny was digging through the clutter of papers at the bottom of his locker.
“Chill bro.  I’m looking for your mom’s wedding ring.  I asked her to take it off last night.  It was distracting me,” replied Lanny trying to insinuate that he spent the night with Landon’s mom and create a laugh.  It worked.  It got a chuckle out of me.  “Ok found it.”
“Why would you have her ring here at school, smartass? Good one though,” said Landon.
"See you ladies tonight,” he said as he walked backwards and gave a heads up nod.
Shaking our heads and smiling Sydney and I playfully replied, “Miss you Lanny.” 
"Later," said Landon as he saluted us.
As the guys walked out of the school I kept staring.  “When are you going to get over that boy or say something?” questioned Kelly as she approached her locker next to mine. 
“Ya Addy it’s so obvious you got a thing for him,” added Sydney.
“I’m all good.  Boys are trouble.  I like our group the way it is.” I told both of them even though my actions clearly showed my interest.  I quickly tried to change the subject.  “My mom said you two should come over for an end of school dinner tonight.  How does 6:30 sound?”
“Sold!  I love momma Alden’s cooking,” Kelly excitedly answered.
“Me too,” added Sydney. 
“Perfect.  I’ll see you both then.”

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